Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Clean Starts

We are always looking for new ways to help those we serve live fulfilling lives and better serve our community. The Clean Starts/Clean Streets program is an excellent example of a new program we launched recently. In partnership with Councilmember Mitchell Englander, Northridge Sparkle and Mayor Garcetti’s office, the mission piloted this program to provide job training for chronically homeless individuals.

The eight-week program provided participants with training in landscaping and street cleaning while also providing job readiness skills. The results speak for themselves. Of the fourteen people who started the program, ten graduated. Of the graduates, eight individuals secured employment, nine people got off the streets and one entered a substance abuse treatment program.

We are inspired by this amazing group of people who are working hard at overcoming their challenges. We will be launching new training groups soon and look forward to seeing more lives changed for good.

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