Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

I Had A Chance After All

In fall 2015, Lori faced a series of unfortunate events. While working as a live-in caregiver for an elderly woman, Lori was injured on the job and had to have back surgery. Shortly after the surgery the woman she was caring for died. She found herself living in her car and unable to work. During this time, Lori felt hopeless, alone, and unsure of how to move forward from her situation. Through a local agency, she was referred to the Rescue Mission Alliance San Fernando Valley. She, her daughter Aisha, and granddaughter True moved into the shelter in October 2015.

During Lori’s stay at the rescue mission, she felt the staff treated her with dignity and that she was part of a family. Her case manager helped her create a plan to obtain housing and other needed resources. “I moved from this place of hopelessness to feeling like I had a chance after all” Lori shared. “Seeing others go out and get their own places and how the staff supported them really helped me be motivated. I started believing I could accomplish more.”
In January 2016, Lori and her family moved into their own apartment. When asked how her family is doing now, Lori said her daughter is finishing cosmetology school and her granddaughter is doing well in school. “I love the peace of mind of having a home. To see the smile on my granddaughter’s face is wonderful. Words cannot describe it!”

Lori is now a regular volunteer at the mission. She spends time talking with and encouraging families who are in a situation similar to where she was a few short months ago. She is truly an inspiration.

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