Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Wade’s Word – January

The New Year is upon us and I always find that it is a great time to reflect, make course adjustments, and celebrate the past year’s accomplishments. For our team we recognize that we could not do our work without having generous donors, volunteers, and community partners working alongside us.

In 2016, we continued to expand our services. We opened our emergency shelter and our transitional program providing 45 additional beds for families who are experiencing homelessness. Our results continue to show that our program is effective. 85% of our shelter guests moved into their own apartments, 90% of our adult guests secured employment and our children are excelling academically. Our outreach to individuals living on the streets expanded as well. In October of last year, we launched our Great Starts Program, offering individuals with job skills training.

There is much to celebrate and there is so much more that needs to be done.
I appreciate your continued partnership with the Rescue Mission Alliance San Fernando Valley. Happy New Year!

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