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Rodolfo is committed to doing the program with his ‘whole heart’

Rodolfo (right) with his case manager, Alejandro Galindo. Rodolfo wants to be a good example for his daughter and grandchild.

Rodolfo (right) with his case manager, Alejandro Galindo. Rodolfo wants to be a good example for his daughter and grandchild.

Rodolfo was born in the United States but moved to a ranch in Mexico with his family when he was 4 years old. His addiction started when he was 12, after Rodolfo’s older brother began sneaking him beer. From there, his drinking increased, and he began using drugs. When Rodolfo was 18, he moved back to the States. The “bad choices” continued.

“I was around my cousins, who were gangsters, so I picked up on it. That’s all I really knew,” Rodolfo said. “I was alone. I didn’t have anyone else.”

After years of addiction and run-ins with the law, Rodolfo moved in with his daughter, having nowhere else to go. But when his daughter had a child, Rodolfo knew something needed to change.

“My addiction just kept getting worse and worse. When my daughter was growing up, I was drinking and doing drugs around her. Now that she has her own daughter, I don’t want to repeat that. I don’t want to be a bad example; I want to be a better influence.”

Rodolfo knew he needed help to overcome his addiction and came to the Mission in May. Though he experienced some uncertainty in the beginning, as he “didn’t know what was going to happen,” Rodolfo found the transition into the program easy. “I did it with my whole heart,” he said. “I wanted to make the change. For me, for my daughter and my granddaughter. I feel relaxed, comfortable here. I’m learning the word of God.”

Nearly five months in, Rodolfo says he’s not the same person he was. “I’ve been changing a lot through this program. The way I’m thinking, my attitude, everything. I think better of myself now. I’m not easy to anger anymore, I don’t fight all the time – those are the things I’ve been working on. I’ve seen a change.”

Rodolfo’s case manager Alejandro Galindo acknowledges the difference in him. “Before the program, a disagreement would go to the streets, it would come to blows, but now, Rodolfo takes his time reacting. He sets his pride and anger aside. I’ve seen great changes in him,” he said.

After graduation, Rodolfo is excited to spend more time with his daughter and granddaughter. He plans to stay connected with those in the program and church, and he’s looking forward to working in construction again. Before Rodolfo came to the Mission, he quit his job. When his boss discovered it was to attend a recovery program, he told Rodolfo that there would always be a place for him.

Rodolfo wants to inspire others who may be struggling. “Everything is doable in this life. Do it with your whole heart and give it to God. If you are next to God, you will have everything, you will find peace. Speaking about my journey isn’t just for me, it’s for the others that are hurting out there.

“I’m grateful to be here. It’s been a great change in my life. I never received the word of God like I have now. I feel great spiritually, mentally, physically. My heart feels happy.”

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