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Victories to Celebrate.

On the last Tuesday of the month, the corner of Edgemont Street and Fountain Avenue in East Hollywood transforms from being a place where those experiencing homelessness can receive a meal to a place where they can experience transformation.
Renewed Hope, the Mission’s men’s recovery program, has been partnering with Reality L.A. to provide showers alongside their two-meal-a-day food ministry, which serves those experiencing homelessness and poverty in the area. But on the last Tuesday of the month, the community comes together to offer even more.
The men in the Renewed Hope program help to run the all-day event where those in need can come and receive their meal and shower. There are volunteers running a clothing station and providing haircuts, and most recently, L.A. County’s mobile vaccine unit has been out administering Covid-19 vaccines to those interested.
“Our men still run the showers,” said Rick Chamness, program manager. “Our goal is to help ensure that, for at least five days a week, those in need can have a hot meal and a hot shower. The ministries down here serve an average of 200 meals a day and provide anywhere from 15 to 40 showers for those in need.
“But because we’re down here every day, we know the community quite well and are able to help all of our other partners that offer services on that day. The community event is organized by Reality L.A. and we are proud to be an integral part of it.”
While the benefit to the community is obvious, the event also offers opportunities for the program clients to give back. “For Renewed Hope, this is a chance for the men in our program to help those in need and to work on their own recovery by being of service to the community,” Chamness said. “Our desire is to help men live out Matthew 22:36-40.”
The verse reads: “‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?’ Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the law and prophets hang on these two commandments.’”
“We have been tremendously blessed and so we seek to tremendously bless others,” Chamness added. “We hope that we can continue to find ways to partner with our community and provide for those in need.”
The community events are typically the last Tuesdays of the month. If you are a trained stylist that can provide haircuts, or would like to know about partnering to provide another kind of service for the community day, please contact Kyle Mueller at
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