Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Director’s note: A year of hope and transformation

Richard Rodriguez is the director at RMA SFV.

Richard Rodriguez is the director at RMA SFV.

As we embark on a new fiscal year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the incredible achievements we’ve accomplished together at Rescue Mission Alliance San Fernando Valley. Your unwavering support has been the backbone of our success, and we are filled with gratitude as we share these highlights.

In the past year, our family shelter has been a godsend to over 50 families, providing a safe haven and support in times of need. We’ve served over 47,000 meals, ensuring that no one goes hungry. The journey from homelessness to stability is challenging, but with your help, we’ve witnessed remarkable breakthroughs. Many of our families have moved into permanent housing and secured full-time employment, marking significant milestones in their paths to self-sufficiency.

The children in our shelter have thrived in our educational programs, growing academically and socially. Simultaneously, parents have benefited from financial budgeting and parenting classes, equipping them with the skills needed for a stable future. These comprehensive programs are vital in breaking the cycle of homelessness and creating lasting change.

Our men’s Life Recovery Program continues to be a beacon of hope for those battling addiction. We’ve celebrated numerous graduates who have secured full-time employment for the first time in their lives, maintaining sobriety and building a foundation for a brighter future. Your support has been instrumental in their recovery and success.

This year, we also celebrated a significant milestone—our 25-year anniversary. Our celebration event in May was a heartwarming reunion, bringing together many of our friends and partners after years of separation due to the pandemic. It was a time to re-establish relationships and renew our commitment to fighting the good fight here in the San Fernando Valley.

As we continue our mission, we invite you to partner with us in new ways. Did you know you can schedule clothing pickups and drives for our local thrift stores? These drives have been vital, especially in the past year, with local churches donating thousands of pounds of clothing and toys. All proceeds from these donations go directly to supporting our programs. Since we do not receive government funding, these initiatives are crucial in providing housing and meals for those in need.

We are overjoyed and deeply grateful for your continued support, prayers, and volunteer efforts. Thank you to all the churches that assist with meals and partner with us financially. A heartfelt thank you to the individual donors who have chosen to support our cause. Your generosity makes a significant impact.

In these uncertain times, one thing remains certain—our God is faithful, and we will continue to pursue the great work He has called us to at the Mission. As we look forward to the year ahead, we remain committed to serving our community with dignity and respect, witnessing the transformation of lives.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Together, we are making a difference.

With gratitude, Richard Rodriguez Director, RMA San Fernando Valley

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