Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Santa Will Find Us at Our House!

Sheree is 3 and Cyndee is just 1, but they want Santa to know just where to find them on Christmas Eve. Their dad Dave was not sure he could find a place to call home and was shuttling himself and his girls from shelter to shelter until he came to Rescue Mission Alliance San Fernando Valley. While his girls were safe, his confidence grew and he was able to take steps in a new direction. After only a three-week stay at SFVRM, Dave has found a job that allows him to work in the daytime so he can have more time to care for his girls and he found an apartment too. “Before I came to the mission, the dominoes were all falling in the wrong direction. But now they are all falling in the right direction!” a much-relieved Dave shared with us.

Being at the shelter allowed Dave to shift his energy from surviving to thriving, something single parents of two young children don’t often do. For Dave, the spiritual support at the mission was a big motivator, ”I really felt the Holy-Spirit here and the devotionals gave me the push I needed. I am so grateful to everyone here at the mission.”

Dave is looking forward to starting new Holiday traditions with his girls, “We are going to have a tree, read ‘The Night Before Christmas’, open a gift on Christmas Eve and leave cookies out for Santa.”

We know Santa will find Sheree and Cyndee safe, warm and happy to be home.

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