Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Wade’s Word – April

Everyone can recall the wonder and enchantment of childhood imagination; where closet doors separate bedrooms from magical lands, couch cushions become a refuge from shark-infested carpets below, flying to the moon is a quick errand between nap and dinner time, and the hero always wins in the end. For many children, these adventures are buried under worries of whether they will get to eat today or where they will get to sleep at night.

The Rescue Mission Alliance San Fernando Valley does much more than end homelessness. That’s why we’re launching a new initiative called 250LA; a community-driven initiative to help children and their families thrive. Our goal is to rescue 250 children and their families from the streets of Los Angeles this year.

But, this kind of effort takes a team of people working together and the great news is, you can join the team.

Together we can help people dream bigger!

Be Inspired

Be Transformed

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