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The Mission’s Annual Thanksgiving Banquet Is Nov. 17
Thanksgiving is a time of appreciation for the blessings God has given us for and those we love. The holidays are a time for celebration, but it can also be a time of sorrow for those who are hungry or hurting.
Every year, the Rescue Mission Alliance San Fernando Valley hosts a Thanksgiving banquet to serve those experiencing homelessness, low-income families, or anyone in need. On Nov. 17, we will again partner with North Valley Caring Services for this event. This banquet is an opportunity for rest, relaxation, and food. We provide food, music, and fun for the kids, resources, and a warm, welcoming environment. The attendees are seated and served as honored guests. Serving a dignifying meal where they can enjoy and give thanks is the goal of the evening.
We are blessed by each of you who have contributed, making this meal possible. Hundreds of donations come in each year to support this banquet and we could not do this without you!
Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for your partnership and commitment to those in your community who are experiencing homelessness. If you would like to contribute to this year’s banquet, please visit
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