Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Wade’s Word – May

Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down with a group of our Clean Streets/Clean Starts trainees. The group of trainees includes people who have been living on the streets for several years as well as individuals who are new to homelessness. I started our conversation by asking each of them to share their vision for their life. One gentleman began to weep as he said, “My vision for my life is not to live in the river bed anymore. I’ve been there for six years. I slept in six inches of water the other night; I deserve better.” Another man talked about getting back in touch with his daughter, who he missed terribly. A woman raised her hand and spoke next. “Me…I want what everyone else has. I want to feel safe and warm at night. I want to have a refrigerator with food in it and keys to my front door.” Lastly, someone softly said, “I want to feel human again.” Our commitment is to help each person we serve move closer to the vision they have for their life. Our work is about more than ending homelessness. It’s about helping people dream and have the hope that their dreams for a better life can come true.

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