Making A Difference That Matters

Stories that Inspire.

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A Letter To Mom, My Rock, Provider, And Best Friend

Every day at the Mission, we get to see moms in action. We are humbled by their strength, courage, and the sacrifices they make as they work hard to build a better life for their children. In honor of Mother’s Day, Sarah, a former guest, has written this letter to her mom to show her…

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Hard Work Pays Off For Sasha And Her Family

Sasha* and her two children didn’t have a home to call their own. They were renting a room when their landlord gave them three weeks’ notice to move out. Sasha was fleeing a domestic violence situation and didn’t have anywhere else to go. She began making phone calls and found the Mission. “I was scared…

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Jackie and Family Gain Stability, Support at the Mission

Many residents of Los Angeles County live paycheck to paycheck and it was no different for Jackie and her two children. After losing her job in December 2015, Jackie struggled to find work and was eventually evicted from her home. She feared that her family would have to live in their car, but was able…

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Family Update: The Opportunity For A Second Chance

Early last year, we shared the story of Francine Lopez and her children, Moses, 18, and Helena, 10, who moved into the Mission in August 2016. Francine had taken her children and left a domestic violence situation, only to find herself homeless. In the midst of their struggles, Moses was in treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic…

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Meeting Needs Through Relationships, Donations

Ivan Londono became a friend of the Mission a few years ago. After taking a tour of the Mission, he jumped right in. Through his professional connections, Ivan encouraged local businesses to run donation drives to benefit the Mission. Ivan would spend his free time dropping off donation boxes at local businesses and once the…

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Home for the Holidays

The holidays can be a difficult time of year for families here at the Mission. Our guests sacrifice family traditions, big dinners, and gifts as they work to better their lives and get back on their feet. For that reason, our staff and volunteers work hard throughout the season to make the holidays special. Mireya…

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Lightening The Load Through Hospitality

As a child, Scott Prewett would often bring strangers home for dinner. It started in junior high when he saw a man who was homeless. Scott approached him and said, “Hey, do you need a place to stay tonight?” This offer was repeated dozens of times and each time, Scott’s parents were gracious hosts. They…

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Movin’ On Up

Here at the Rescue Mission Alliance San Fernando Valley, our small staff makes a lot happen, but that is only possible because of the essential services that are provided by our many volunteers. Carolyn Berger began volunteering with her “partner in crime,” Letty, about a year ago. She began serving faithfully every week, answering calls,…

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She Believed She Could, so She Did

Unhappy at work and struggling to balance rent, bills, and mental health issues affecting her life and her six-year-old son, Jessica Reveles left her corporate job. For months she struggled to secure consistent freelance work that paid a living wage. A few months later she had exhausted most of her savings and back to corporate…

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Every Child Deserves To Dream Big

It is hard to imagine what it must be like for a mother and her children to not know where they will sleep at night. Many will sleep in their car, if they are lucky enough to have one. Those who are not so lucky will sleep wherever they can. Last year with the help…

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Time to Make a Change

The Lopez family is an inspiration to all of us at the rescue mission. Francine and her two children, Moses (age 17) and Helena (age 9), moved into the shelter in August 2016. After leaving a domestic violence situation, the family became homeless. Francine shared, “One day I realized I had to make a change…

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Restored Confidence

Kimberly became homeless after leaving an abusive marriage of 20 years. She had never been on her own but knew she had to make a new start for herself and her daughter, Marzya. “When I first got to the mission I was a scared woman living in a very dark shell. I didn’t trust telling…

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